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The Presence Of Evil At The Dole Pineapple Plantation | Wahiawa, Hawaii | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Dole Plantation in Wahiawa, Hawaii, is a historic pineapple plantation turned tourist attraction. The Guinness Book of World Records named the Dole Planation as housing the worlds largest maize grown entirely from botanical flora.

James Drummond Dole arrived in Wahiawa in 1899 establishing a pineapple business which incorporated an impressively substantial workforce.

Laborers would live in house, at the company location, and the business thrived for some time.

However, during the 1950s, the pineapple industry plummeted, finances rapidly depleted, resulting in closure of the plantation.

But were you aware that this location is haunted by some truly terrifying entities?

During its peak production, two workers committed suicide at the plantation and that those spirits linger here today residually haunting the property.

The first entity is a female apparition who is often sighted moving objects amidst various rooms.

The second is an ominous shadow figure, seen casually resting in a courtyard tree, emanating a truly sinister aura.

All visitors who have approached this tree describe feeling instantly unwell with sudden and unexplainable onsets of sheer terror and panic.

Could visitors today be detecting the true presence of evil?

Have you ever sensed evil?

If so, how did you feel and how did you deal with the situation?

Please feel free to visit our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further discussion on any of our topics, or to put forward any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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