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The Real Great Gatsby And Chilling Manifestations | Eden Park | Cincinnati, Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Eden Park is an urban park, spanning an impressive 186 acres, overlooking the Ohio River Valley in Cincinnati Ohio. The park originally aided the operation of a local reservoir by pumping water into the Eden State Standpipe.

In 1869 the land was a vineyard belonging to Nicholas Longworth who called it his ‘Garden of Eden’. Later the Elsinore Arch, a national landmark, was erected as an entrance to the grounds.

In 1904 the Springhouse Gazebo was erected and is officially the oldest structure in a Cincinnati Park.

In 1920 German born lawyer George Remus, who inspired the character Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby tale, moved here from Illinois. 

After Prohibition hit, George began producing his own illegal spirits and labelled the alcohol as being ‘for medicinal use’ and sold to speakeasys via underground distributors. He operated until he was caught and imprisoned for two years.

Whilst incarcerated in a federal prison Georges' cellmate became alarmingly obsessed with Georges wife, Imogen. The cellmate actively pursued Imogen and made contact with her after his release.

The two eventually began an affair, and later conspired to steal all funds from George in order to pursue their own dreams together.

Imogen filed for divorce and friends stated that 'George snapped'.

Soon after, George passed Imogen in the park. Imogen was in a car, and as it passed the springhouse gazebo, George aimed a pistol. His daughter tried to stop him and pushed his hand to the ground. But it was too late, the shot had been fired. Imogen lost her life right here at Eden Park.

Visitors have reported a wide range of supernatural occurrences including the alarming sounds of phantom gun shots, the heartwrenching audible cries of a female crying softly.

Are these the residual cries of Imogen moments before she drew her last breaths?

Staff have witnessed the full spectrum of Imogen herself wearing a smart dress and summer hat running speedily from the park.

Others have seen Imogens reflection manifest in the nearby lake, and have literally fled the park in terror.

Have you ever witnessed something ‘manifest’ before your very eyes?

The Cincinnati Art Museum Complex today hosts live music, entertainment and hot air balloon events.

Please feel free to visit our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further discussion on any of our topics, or to put forward any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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