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The Sacred Spirits of Lincoln Park Zoo | Chicago | Illinois | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Lions and tigers and .... ghosts?

Lincoln Park Zoo is one of Chicagos largest public attractions but did you know it is believed to be haunted today?

In the 1800s this land served as City Cemetery and over 35,000 bodies were laid to rest here.  During the Great Chicago Fire all the wooden grave markers were destroyed, except the limestone Memorial Crypt which still stands at the South End of Lincoln Park today (see pic below).

During excavation work in the 1980s, workmen discovered the remains of over 80 bodies including a fully sealed 19th century iron coffin. Experts estimate that there are still remains over 12,000 bodies buried throughout Lincoln Park today.

Although not distinct to the eye, this land is sacred and it is suggested that the spirits grieve when their place of final rest is disturbed. After all, where is the respect in that?

Although we can appreciate that the site is now developed, we must also consider that there may be some landscapes better left untouched.

Famed parapsychologist Ursula Bielski was called in to the site and emerged stating "without doubt, the most active site i have ever investigated'.

There have been hundreds of sightings of full body apparitions and dark shadow figures roaming these grounds since it opened over 150 years ago, and those sighting continue today with further reports of visitors even leaving early on account of feeling nausea or unexplainably unwell and disorientated.

After all, it's not only lions who are fierce about protecting their own territory. Do you really want to walk amongst burial grounds?

Are we really seeing what is truly there or do we need to look again?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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