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The Holy Ghosts | Nun And Priest Apparitions At St Agnes Church | LaSalle Detroit Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

St Agnes Church, located in the LaSalle Park district of Michigan, Detroit is the ruin of an old Catholic church known for housing the renowned Mother Teresa in 1979.

Bishop John Foley, leader of the Detroit Catholic Diocese, originally purchased the land in 1910.

During 1914 church services began in a small neighborhood house. Popularity of services rapidly grew, requiring a larger building and in 1916 a Catholic girls school and Convent was added.

St Agnes thrived many years, but sadly got caught up in local riots, gang activities and Police intervention during the late 1960s. Attendance began to decrease and the church closed its doors in 2000.

Stained glass windows and wooden pews were removed for sale and sadly thieves and vandals set upon the abandoned building stripping it of almost everything.

We say ‘almost’ because even there are some things not even thieves can steal.

This location is known for its residual hauntings and it seems they are here to stay.

How else can you explain the phantom sounds of organ music being played?

Locals believe this building is literally infested with entities and construction workers have described witnessing the apparition of a Nun and a Priest wandering about the premises, seemingly attending to minor tasks, unaware of the living.

Also experienced is the strong fragrance of frankincense, flowers and candles in what really should be an odorless building after standing desolate for so long.

Also encountered are sounds of congregational prayers and old hymns being sung and the sounds of arguing, fighting, commotion outside.

Could this be a residual haunting of those past riots which broke out here so long ago?

If you visit here and notice a congregation sitting worshipping, know that they are not of this realm.

You are witnessing the paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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