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The Singing Spectre and Vortex Of Voices | The McNay Art Museum | San Antonio, Texas | Paranoramal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, Texas, is a former Spanish colonial mansion set amidst 23 acres of finely landscaped gardens.

First erected in 1927 under the instruction of Marion and Donald Koogler who financed the home using funds received upon the deaths of Marions parents, who collected fine oil paintings.

Sadly, during 1936 Marion and Donalds marriage ended with Marion returning to her first husbands name which was McNay. 

In 1950, Marion passed away, leaving the entirety of the estate, along with her art collection, to the state of Texas. This would later become the very first modern museum in Texas and opened in 1954.

This museum has continually been surrounded in tales of the paranormal.

Staff frequently encounter heavy dragging sounds and footsteps emanating from empty rooms.

Visitors have witnessed full spectrum apparitions of Marion herself, who announces her presence by humming a gentle pleasant melody, followed by the sweet and unmistakable aroma of lavender perfume which permeates the air with each manifestation.

Staff claim they truly feel as though they know Marion and are comfortable with her presence as it is non malevolent. However, what has unsettled folks are museum objects and items visually seen levitating mid air.

Many have described an unsettling feeling of being followed, by something unseen, as they peruse the timeless artefacts and displays and hearing eery whispers and conversations swirling all around them like a vortex of disembodied souls.

This may be a museum to us today yet this was, and maybe still is, home to Marion.

It is good to consider that not all spirits are bad, some are simply coming home.

The McNay Art Museum, and its grounds are open to the public today and showcase Marions original art collection.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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