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The Strange Mists And A Ghostly Nun At The Mission Concepcion | San Antonio Missions National Historic Park | San Antonio, Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Mission Concepcion is historic Roman Catholic Church located in San Antonio, which holds the title of the oldest stone building in all of Texas. The official name of the church is the Mission Nuestra Senora de la Purisma Concepcion de Acuna.

This magnificent sacred site is now owned by the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park Service and is home to some truly chilling phenomena.

Historically, the Mission was founded during 1711 by the Hassine communities who sought to convert to Catholicism in order to be accepted as Spanish citizens. Friars moved their congregations to San Antonio taking up residence at Mission Concepcion living quarters.

Over 1,000 Mission Indians were ceremoniously baptized here and, despite much political unrest, during 1824 the mission became secularized.

Mexican soldiers, under the authority of Colonel Domingo de Ugarteca, used the Mission as a headquarters prior to the Texan Revolution (2nd October 1835 to 21st April 1836).

In 1861 the building fell into severe disrepair. Repairs went ahead with restoration being funded by the local Brother Of Mary Roman Catholic Church.

In 2010 the Archdiocese of San Antonio funded implementation of artwork such as hand painted holy scene frescos for the Mission interior sanctuary.

The Mission was honored in 2015 as being officially designated as one of only 23 official UNESCO sites (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations).

However, throughout history, many were apprehended, and even murdered, for stealing holy relics at the Mission.

Visitors today will often report disembodied cries, mysterious footsteps, and an unnerving feeling of being surrounded by unseen crowds.

One popular tale is that of evil Dr. Nevaro who lived here during the 1800s. Dr. Nevaro is believed to have killed a young lady who was his live in maid and also his lover.

A female entity has been witnessed by hundreds of spectators and is often accompanied by strange formed mists which seem to follow the female entity with directional intent.

One local resident was reciting the Holy Rosary prayer to Our Lady and he stated that he encountered a substantial plume of white mist which manifested as a full spectrum apparition before his very eyes.

The ghost of a nun, with terrifying red glowing eyes, has been seen vehemently monitoring the living.

It has been speculated that this nun was involved in an exorcism, which led to her death, and that her spirit today seeks retribution. However this claim is not documented in any way.

So could this location be haunted by the restless souls of all those who perished here?

What do you think?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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