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The Supernatural Slaves At Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church | Montgomery, Alabama | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

There are some churches where you may encounter worshippers that are not of this realm.

Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama,was established in 1877.

Congregations would meet in a small wooden shed which was initially used as a slave trading facility.

This notable place of worship is famous for having Dr Martin Luther King Jr take over the role of Pastor from 1954 to 1960. During this time, he actively staged the Montgomery Bus boycott from his very own basement office.

The building hosted some of most historic civil rights declarations of the 19th century and was designated as an official historic landmark in 1964.

In 1978 the church was named Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church.

This church is rich in tales of the paranormal and visitors often describe an uneasy feeling, of sensing that they are not alone, of being shrouded by unseen presences.

Clergy have watched in shock as candles ignite, and extinguish, spontaneously and unexplainable hovering light anomalies floating above their heads. 

But perhaps the most astonishing phenomena is that of the full spectrum apparitions, of time old slaves, seen manifesting amidst the wooden seating pews, almost as if they are worshipping in spirit at this most honorably sacred site. 

Please feel free to connect with me via our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further chat, discussion and any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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