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The Supernatural Superdome | Ghostly Encounters At Caesars NFL Stadium | New Orleans Louisiana | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Caesars Superdome, in New Orleans Louisiana, is a world famous multi purpose, NFL franchise stadium, home ground to the American Football Team New Orleans Saints.

In 1966 Louisiana Governor John McKeithen toured the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, and was overheard muttering the words "Louisiana needs one of these, only bigger".

Construction of the New Orleans Superdome commenced in 1971 and completed in 1975. This very same year the New Orleans Saints opened the season by losing to the Cincinnati Bangles with a score of 21 to 0.

After Hurricane Katrina hit, the domes roof was mercilessly ripped off, and the site was shut down for extensive multi million dollar reinforcements and repairs. The stadium is open today with a seat capacity of 76 thousand.

The dome was originally known as the Mercedes-Benz Superdome but was purchased by Caesars Entertainment in 2021 who renamed it Caesars Superdome.

But did you know that this venue is home to some deeply dark history?

Chillingly, the land this stadium stands on was the original 1822 Girod Street Cemetery. In 1957 bodies were actually exhumed from the earth and laid at other locations.

It is never a good idea to disturb resting spirits.

Visitors describe having encounters with full spectrum apparitions who are seen to walk through walls.

During Hurricane Katrina, over twenty thousand terrified people took shelter within the dome not knowing the horrors that would unfold. Tragically, the dome lost electrical power, tempers flared. Six deaths occured, four of natural causes, one was a suicide, another a drug overdose. It is suggested that this historically significant and greatly traumatic event left some deep supernatural scarring.

Many describe having full conversations with what they thought to be a living person, they are soon after startled to see that person disappear.

There are continual reports of disturbing phenomena including strange moving mists and disembodied screams.

This stadium is renowned as the most haunted sports venue in all of America.

Have you visited?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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