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The Tallest Dam in The Western Hemisphere | Dworshak Dam and Reservoir | Clearwater County, Idaho | Historical | Heritage | BoiCGH

Did you know that Idaho is home to the tallest dam within the Western hemisphere and the third tallest in the United States of America.

Construction of the Dworshak Dam in Clearwater County began in 1966 and ended in 1973 by none other than the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The proposal for the dam was initiated in 1953 as a viable site of development. This proposal was authorised in October of 1962 and originally named Bruces Eddy Dam but later honourably changed the name to Dworshak in respect of Senator Henry Dworshak  (1894-1962) who aided greatly in the congressional approval of the dam.

The Dworshak Dam is located on Viewpoint Road, on the North Fork section of Clearwater County just four miles north west of Orofino. This structure is so tall that it might take you a moment to contemplate its sheer scale and vastness upon viewing. Some have said 'it will take your breath away' at an impressive 717 feet height and 3,287 feet width.

This historical concrete gravity dam impounds a reservoir which stablises generated hydroelectricity, controls water storage, maintains safe flood level control and prevents fish migration into Idaho river tributaries.

This is a fantastic tourist attraction which offers guided tours from their visitor centre.

Why not enjoy a great historical family day out.

Have you visited the Dworshak Dam? If so please let us know in the comment section below.

History in our hands.

#historicalidaho #historicalboise #historicalmeridian #historicalpreservation #thisplacematters

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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