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The Tortured Souls Of The Laperal Mansion | Baguio City Philippines | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | South East Asia | BoiCGH

Anyone who loves nature will appreciate the city of Baguio, in South East Asia, also known as The City Of Pines.

The land is abundant in flora, sweet syrups sourced from orchards idyllic and world renowned strawberry farms.

Located along Leonard Road sits a stunning, two storey, Victorian era ancestral mansion known as The Laperal House which was built for the aristocratic Laperal family during the 1920s.

The home was highly extravagant with lavish art pieces displayed throughout.

During World War II the Laperal family were seized and their home was infiltrated by Japanese soldiers who used the building as an encampment.

The basement was utilised as a torture chamber for prisoners, hundreds were violently abused, raped, and even murdered.

It is believed that such traumatic occurrences could leave a lasting haunted residual imprint.

One of the most tragic losses was that of a three year old little girl.

The little girl tried to escape impending horrors, she ran outside, and was hit by an oncoming vehicle, instantly losing her life.

The childs nanny was not being watchful at the time of the incident and, unable to bear the pain of such a loss, she committed suicide up in the homes attic.

From 2015 to 2016 the house opened as a public art gallery, much of the original furniture maintained and on display, grandoise staircase with shining wooden bannisters and many nostalgic treasures.

Once darkness falls, locals would frequently report sighting full spectrum apparitions roaming this location, accompanied by unexplained figures peering down from the windows.

School children have literally fled the scene after sighting a woman in white walk through the closed gate and straight the walls of the home.

One lady reported her son was attacked on the grounds by unseen forces.

A tourist in a nearby restaurant was visibly shaken upon describing seeing a womans face in the bathroom mirror, with the unmistakeable Laperal mansion looming just behind her. The entity smiled before disappearing into thin air.

Could it be that the victims of the Laperal mansion are forever trapped within this buiding, their souls still tormented at such a sordid ending?

Community taxi drivers sometimes refuse to even drive by the mansion, all too aware of its hauntings.

Today the home is highly guarded by security and not open for public use.

It is speculated authorities closed the building down due to its countless complaints of supernatural disturbance.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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