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The Wandering Spirits Of The Johnston Felton Hay House | Macon Georgia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

What really lurks behind the legends of the Beach State?

The Johnston Felton Hay House in Macon, Georgia, has been nicknamed Palace of The South and is usually referred to as The Hay.

The home was first built in 1855 for William H Felton and his family who went on to extend and refurbish the property multiple times in efforts to find a balance between modernizing the décor yet keeping with some tradition.

In 1977 the Georgia Trust took full ownership of the Museum.

Staff and visitors report a wide range of paranormal phenomena including the sighting of old lady in Victorian era dress. This entity appears lost and as if she is looking for something and disappears into thin air moments later.

Another entity, a young woman in an extravagant ballgown and her hair elegantly styled in a classic bun, who exudes a calm serene air.

Lastly, a younger female spectre has been encountered at the rear of the premises where she frantically bangs on the back door and tapping on the glass windows accompanied by the sounds of crying.

What might you experience here?

Ice cold blasts in rooms, fire alarms will spontaneously activate, electronic disturbance, strange mists which seem to have directional intent and unexplained people seen on visitors photographs.

A wedding photographer claims he caught a distinct shadow figure lurking ominously in the background on every photograph he took one particular day.

If it’s a quiet break you’re after, don’t come here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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