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The Water Tower Ghosts At The City Gallery | Chicago Water Tower | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

America is known for its heroes.

There is a reason she is called America The Great.

This historical location is known for one great hero, a humble yet valiant man who put others' lives before his own life.

The Chicago Water Tower, in Chicago Illinois, is the second largest water tower in the United States.

Constructed in 1867, of solid limestone, the tower helps regulate water for the entire Chicago region.

LIMESTONE is known to have conductive properties, and it is suggested that it may draw in spirit activity.

The tower gained substantial attention in 1871 when it survived the Great Chicago Fire which killed over 300 residents and destroyed over three square miles of the city.

Not many buildings survived the fire, but the tower stood firm.

The tower was renamed as The City Gallery, consisting of the Chicago Office of Tourism office and art galleries which showcase the work of well known film photographers.

The City Gallery is open to the public today.

During the Chicago fire it is alleged that one staff member stayed inside the water tower to ensure the safety of the building and see to it that the water pumps continued pumping in order to save others.

A true man of honor.

As the flames engulfed him he grabbed hold of a rope and hung himself, rather than experience the unrelenting agony of the blaze.

Ever since that time, there have been continual reports of unexplained and mysterious phenomena at this location.

Shadowy figures seen ominously darting about and the full specturm apparition of what many believe to be that dedicated tower worker who perished. This apparition appears to be suffering, with arms flailing about, as if battling flames.

There have been hundreds of noise complaints during the night which people have suspected as potential intruders. Yet when police arrive at the scene there is nothing to see, the tower is vacant and nothing appears to have been disturbed.

During the 1800s there were many suicides at this water tower. People would jump from the top rather than face trial or punishments.

Astonishingly, today, many passers by have reported visually seeing bodies falling from the tower, as they run to aid the scene, the bodies completely disappear just moments before impacting the ground.

Could we be witnessing the residual hauntings of those desperate souls who jumped to their deaths so long ago?

We do know that residual hauntings are often found where trauma was experienced at the time of death, so it would make complete sense that so many people report these ‘falling ghosts’ from this deathly tower.

From now on every time i see that tower, one word will come to mind.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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