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These Ghosts Are Not Camera Shy | West Virginia Penitentiary | Moundsville West Virginia | Paranormal | Historic | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

West Virginia Penitentiary is located off Jefferson Avenue in Moundsville, West Virginia.

This gothic style building operated from 1876 to 1995 and once ran as a prison facility.

Lock up scenes in the 2013 film ‘Out of The Furnace’ were filmed on location in this very building.

During 1866 ten acres of land were set aside for the sole purpose of erecting this prison which later opened as a penitentiary.

In 1951 'execution by electrocution' was introduced.

There were 94 inmates have died at this location. Some were executed, others were murdered by other inmates.

Up until 1931 there were public hangings at this location.

This place knows true pain and suffering.

In 1986 the penitentiary came under harsh scrutiny for its inhumane conditions and widespread rumors of torture. The majority of prisoners were transferred to other prison sites.

It is suggested that many of those spirits are still trapped here to this day.

And you better believe these spirits are NOT happy.

They are known to cause intense feelings of anxiety and repression.

Because why should you live, when they don’t get to?

Staff and visitors report a wide array of disturbing phenomena including shocking encounters with full spectrum apparitions, being violently pushed, scratched and grabbed at.

Others describe being stalked and tormented by unseen forces.

However, shockingly, these entities ARE known for showing up on visitors photographs. So if you visit here, there is a chance you could capture something too.

The penitentiary has been used as a law enforcement training facility practising mock up riot drills/hostile situations.

The sounds of metal keys jangling is often heard echoing through the darkness accompanied by a ghostly security guard who appears to be doing the rounds.

The penitentiary is today more of a tourist attraction and is open to the public.

Ghost tours are available.

Let us know if you encounter anything you would consider as paranormal.

We would love to hear any experiences and please share any photographic evidence you capture.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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