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Toddler Who Broke Neck | Footsteps And Giggles | Little Girl Haunts The Jordan House Museum | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Jordan House Museum, in West Des Moines Iowa, was constructed in 1850, as a family home, by James C. Jordan, a cattle farmer from Virginia, in 1850.

The building once operated as a station house on the Underground Railroad in Iowa.

The home took several years to complete, replacing an older original log cabin.

The Jordans lived happily here for almost a century.

Sadly, it was in this very home that their beautiful three year old daughter Eda lost her life.

The small child was sliding along the stairwell banister when she fatally fell and broke her neck and died instantly.

Hundreds of visitors report encountering a ghostly little girl peering out from behind furniture, followed by the sound of mischievous giggles and the audible sounds of tiny running footsteps.

Could this be the spirit of Eda Jordan residually haunting the venue today?

Residual hauntings are resultant of traumatic death, this would include murder, tragic accidents and a spirit who feels they were taken too soon.

However, many spirits do not even realise they have passed on.

And frankly, I don’t know which I consider to be the saddest, the actual departure, or their not knowing.

Any thoughts on this topic, please drop a comment below.

In 1973 the property was listed on the National Register Of Historic Places and is now a Museum open for public use.

If you visit the museum be sure to let us know if you experience anything paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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