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Tormented by Apparitions at the Joyce Building | Genesse, Idaho | Paranormal | Historical | Haunted | IdaHaunts | America | BoiCGH

The Joyce building, located on Walnut Street, Latah County, is rumoured to be actively haunted today. 

If anyone has any information/knowledge about this building please comment below as I would love to know more about it.

During the 1970s a young woman moved into the Joyce building with her family. What they experienced changed them forever.

Think 'Amityville', and you might just get an idea of the events that took place here. From full spectrum apparitions, to out of control any poltergeists, items going missing or being misplaced. This family lived in a constant state of apprehension, not knowing what was around the next corridor or when the next entity would manifest.

They would often wake to witness an apparition of a woman who would physically be lying next to them in their beds. This spirit enjoyed companionship with the living. 

Many have suggested these were prankster ghosts however, living in fear every day is no laughing matter, especially when children are involved.

The family would frequently hear audible disembodied conversations echoing through the night, unable to pinpoint the source. One night the family discovered an old wardrobe filled with dead rats which had not been there before. 

Can spirits converse amongst the living? What do you think? Have you ever heard unexplained voices? How would you explain them?

Work men and construction workers reported they were repeatedly disturbed by strange phenomena whilst working here making their tasks enormously difficult. Often tools and boiler suits would mysteriously disappear.

Is this building still there? Help me out guys!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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