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Trickster Stagehand Ghost At The Ohio Theater | Columbus Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Ohio is deliciously draped in mystery, intrigue and phenomenon.

The Ohio Theater in Columbus, Ohio, is a performing art centre which initially housed Old City Hall.

This venue has been entertaining communities since 1928 and thrived for some years.

However, with the introduction of household televisions in the 1940s, business dwindled and many shows were cancelled as audiences diminished.

Kappa Organisation recently funded full restoration and expansion. The theater is today home to the Columbus Symphony Orchestra, Opera Columbus, The Ballet Met and Kappa Summer Movie Series.

Although it would seem there are other things going on behind the scenes at this notably historic location.

There are hundreds of eyewitness reports, from staff, workmen and visitors alike, claiming encounters with the paranormal at this location.

Extreme cold spots, lights flashing on and off and creepy running disembodied footsteps.

The most active entity is said to be the spirit of an old man who worked as a previous stagehand.

This employee had tragically died during a show, and is often sighted gracing the stage. He is known to be a friendly prankster ghost who enjoys playing tricks on the living.

His presence is often accompanied by a flood of surrounding disembodied voices.

The apparition of a young woman and child have also been seen throughout the auditorium, the lady appears lost and panicky and grasps the childs hand before disappearing from our realm.

The most shocking activity witnessed here are various objects which have been seen spatially levitating through mid air, much to the shock of onlookers.

The theater is open today with a seating capacity of 2,791.

Event tickets are available to purchase online, so if you do decide to venture out here, be sure to let us know if you experience anything paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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