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Two Ghostly Little Girls At Sturdivant Hall Museum | Selma Alabama | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Sturdivant Hall Museum, Selma, Alabama, was built in 1865 and was originally a residential home to businessman and banker, John McGee Parkman, First President of First National Bank.

The venue now runs as a historical museum maintained by the city of Selma.

The building is often compared with Stephen Kings tale The Shining.


Because this hall is reportedly haunted by the spirits of two little girls who aimlessly walk the corridors at night.

Also encountered here are rocking chairs moving unaided, doors opening on their own, feelings of being followed and mysterious orbs of light appearing on visitors photographs.

Others have frantically reported witnessing dark shadow figures which are seemingly hiding in corners.

Night security are often called in when locals have spotted smoke billowing from the building, however upon the night staffs arrival they find absolutely no trace of smoke and no disturbance.

Window latches will visually flip up and unlock unaided and one visitor, clearly distraught and panicked, claimed he was pushed by unseen hands whilst descending the stairwell.

Proceed with caution and let us know if you experience anything paranormal if you visit this location.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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