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Welcome To Your Darkest Nightmare At The Asylum Of Horror | Topeka Insane Asylum | Topeka, Kansas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoioCGH

There are some things which surpass even fear itself.

Some things which only happen on a movie screen, but what if there were real places that seemed straight from hell itself.

Welcome to your worst nightmare at the 'Asylum Of Horror'.

Topeka State Hospital was formerly the Topeka Insane Asylum, a recognized institution for the care of the mentally, and criminally, insane.

The asylum welcomed its first patients in 1872.

If only those patients had realised just what they were walking into, the depravity that awaited them.

Ironically the zip code begins with 666.

This was truly a place of horror in every sense of the word.

The asylum performed a total of 54 male castration procedures which practitioners deemed as "an acceptable treatment for epileptics, imbiciles and schizophrenics".

Does it get any more horrific than that?

Well maybe, as forced sterlization procedures also took place.

Alarmingly the identities of many patients were unknown, with the hospital lacking any official paperwork, leaving staff to decide the fate of many.

Many were strapped down for so long it was reported that their skin would often grow over the restraints.

In addition many were victims of rape and other forms of violent abuse.

Shut down in 1997 when atrocities and allegations of abuse were brought to light and hit local newspaper reports.

The building is allegedly haunted with spirits from its tragic past.

One young inmate named Dodd, was repeatedly abused, he was choked and had his chest stomped on by staff and attendants. One night one of the other patients witnessed one such violent attack on Dodd.

He came forward wanting to testify to authorities claiming that Dodd was dragged into Room 18, he could hear screaming, moments later the door opened and staff wheeled Dodds body out on a gurney, he was dead.

However, the Governor of Kansas denied any further investigation, so it ended there.

The building has since reopened as a Physical Therapy Clinic which it remains today.

Today, there are reports of unexplained mists, audible crying sounds and an overall sense of impending dread experienced within these walls.

Could the very foundations of this establishment be acting as a magnet to all those souls lost here?

Can pain run so deep that it never ever lets go?

What do you think?

Please feel free to connect with me via our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further chat, discussion and any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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