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Well Mannered Ghosts And Night Time Visitors At The Vinoy Renaissance Resort & Golf Club | St Petersburg Florida | Paranormal | Historic | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Vinoy Renaissance is an award winning Resort & Golf Club is located downtown St Petersburg, Florida.

This 4 Star hotel was a favorite with many notable names including Babe Ruth, President Hoover and many more.

During World War 2 the hotel was shut down and exclusively used as a training depot for armed forces, reopening again after the war.

In the 1990s new owners carried out extensive renovations which many believe may have roused something in the very core of this building.

Guests and visitors report a wide array of unexplained phenomena including creepy knockings and scratching sounds emanating from walls, disembodied footsteps and mysterious floating light anomalies.

One of the most frequently encountered spirits is that of an older gentleman. This full spectrum apparition is usually sighted harmlessly roaming the hallways. The friendly spectre will sometimes remove his hat in a good mannered gesture to the living who pass him by, gently nods and gives a friendly wink before disappearing into thin air.

There is another entity known to manifest as a cold night mist which actually slips under bedsheets, unbeknown to sleeping guests, that is until they are unexplainably startled awake to severe icy chills and a feeling that they are no longer alone in the room.

Moments later toilets are heard flushing and faucets spontaneously turn on.

How is that possible?

I would love to know if any of our readers have ever experienced faucets turning on and off, lights flickering etc.

Drop a comment below.

I would love to hear your experiences.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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