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When Folklore Becomes Reality | Supernatural Phenomena of The Bridgewater Triangle | Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Ever have one of those days where you just want to escape reality?

Forget 'Stranger Things', come with us and learn a little about The Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts. This is a truly fascinating location.

This location is not one singular landmark, but rather it comprises no less than seventeen towns, covering a 200 square mile radius and has been compared to the mysterious 'Bermuda Triangle'.

Throughout the centuries, Massachusetts has been known for its particularly creepy reports of unexplained phenomena but this place is completely another level and not just figuratively speaking.

Locals describe how the 'atmosphere feels different' and 'it's like stepping into a folklore timezone'.

So what exactly have people witnessed here?

Legend suggests that the triangle is guarded by a killer canine, the spirit of a vicious dog who eternally prowls the perimeters guarding the territory.

You might want to be careful where you walk and respect your surroundings!

There have been whispers of 'large winged creatures, not like anything we have ever seen, circling the Bridgewater skies at night' accompanied by enormous supernatural balls of bright white light and rapidly moving light anomalies darting through the atmosphere. 

It is speculated that the communities here know exactly what is taking place but choose to hold some secrets a little closer to their hearts. 

Just what exactly is going on within the triangle? is there another realm simultaneously running parallel to ours?

News reports frequently state chilling events such as slain and mutilated cattle and warnings of a mysterious ghostly hitchhiker who frequents the highways. This hitchhiker is an entity and if you step into his vehicle it is said you will never see the light of day again. 

One family described how they felt 'different' and 'unsure of what was real and what was not' as they watch a large golden cat cross the street in front of them. This cat is referred to as the 'Mansfield Mystery Cat' and has only ever been spoken of within the towns folklore and is often told to local children as a bedtime tale.

FX TV platform are planning a Bridgewater series, that's how prolifically known this area is for weird and creepy phenomena. This location is surrounded by many haunted houses, some are real, some are haunt attractions, why not check them out if you visit.

Tired of the mundane? Try visiting The Bridgewater Triangle and let us know where it takes you. 

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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