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When The Children Cry At The Campbell House | The North West Museum Of Arts And Culture | Spokane Washington | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Campbell House, located in Spokane Washington, is a historic home turned museum first constructed in 1898 by architect Aaron Cutler for his wife Grace and young daughter Helen.

The home was later gifted to the City and now operates as the North West Museum Of Arts And Culture.

In 1960 the building was restored in attempts to capture its original appearance.

The building has quite the reputation for its active hauntings and creepy paranormal activity.

It is suggested that the Campbells went on to have many children whilst living at this home.

One night an intruder broke in, they murdered three, and abducted one, of those children. Their bodies were never found.

It is believed those children actively haunt the home today.

Inside the home hangs a notable portrait and many who gaze upon it chillingly describe how its eyes followed them as they walked away.

Scholars have encountered full spectrum apparitions of small children, accompanied by an overwhelming sense of dread and despair.

Otherworldly sounds and mysterious moving light anomalies are just an every day occurrence for staff here.

Passers by have told how they witness the tiny, heartwrenching, sounds of children crying and screaming. Even to hear the sounds of an adult is distress in itself, but to hear the cries of children really can be too much for some folks to bear, regardless that it is in spirit.

I myself once heard children spirits cry when I visited a Scottish castle, it truly struck a chord in me like nothing before. Why? Because I could not help those children.

The museum is open today, however many experience feeling unexplainably uncomfortable.

Could visitors be experiencing the effects of the homes dark past manifesting even today?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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