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Willo The Wisp Phenomena | Colonel Pegues Ghost Haunts Old Cahawba Site | Alabama | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

'Authentic History Cloaked in Mystery' - Cawhawba Historical Society.

Cahawba is Alabamas very first capital. Abandoned after the Civil War, Cahawba is also the States oldest known ghost town. 

Colonel Pegue lived in Cahawba in a grand stately home with beautifully landscaped gardens and mazes. Sadly, in 1862 the Colonel was killed in the Battle of Seven Pines, Virgina. Mysteriously, after his death, there were some truly strange and unexplained phenomena occurring in Cahawba.

A mysterious large, white luminous ball of light was witnessed many times floating ominously about Colonels home and garden mazes, particularly during moonlight hours, and usually near his favourite magnolia trees.

However, it was not the brightness of this light source which alarmed people, but rather the manner in which the light source moved, almost as if it were a moving person, gently gliding amongst the foliage. Others reported the light source to intermittently flash before disappearing into the darkness.

Many believe this phenomena to be the spirit of the Colonel residually haunting his once loved gardens. The sightings have certainly caused much interest and speculation with locals and visitors today. One individual reported he physically reached out to 'grab' at the light source, and the light speedily darted away from him!

This phenomena became known as 'Pegues Ghost' and 'Willo-the-Wisp' and still fascinates folks today. 

Could this phenomena truly be linked to the historical Colonel?

In the 1800s the town suffered massive flooding and deteriorated, sadly becoming officially unincorporated. However, the Alabama Historical Commission stepped in and launched a rescue mission, hence todays Old Cahawba Archaelogical Site and Visitor Centre which can be visited today.

Let us know if you encounter Pegues Ghost.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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