Team Positions and Descriptions

Paranormal Investigator – The paranormal investigator position will involve late nights. Typically Fridays and Saturdays starting around 8:30pm and ending around 3:00am the next morning. Applicants must be in the Boise, Idaho area and have their own means of transportation. All of our new investigators go through a training orientation. Applicants will be required to sign a privacy and liability form and will go through an evaluation period to determine their progress as well as demeanor on an investigation.

Case Manager – The Case Manager will assist with phone calls from potential clients. As well as scheduling team members for investigations. For the time being all scheduling is approved through Michael and Scott. The Case Manager position may assist on investigations if desired. Applicants will go through the same steps as listed above. As well as follow common Boise City Ghost Hunters practices for new team members. APPLY HERE

To even be considered for a position on the Boise City Ghost Hunter’s team, applicants must first submit an application (provided after the initial membership request).  Upon an approved application, the applicant is interviewed by two senior members of BoiC.G.H.   All members will be required to undergo a background check and a drug screen. After passing the screening process, the applicant is required to sign the privacy and liability forms.  All new members must go through an evaluation period where they are evaluated not only on professional demeanor, but also on team and awareness skills.  Boise City Ghost Hunter Members are expected to always present themselves with the highest of standards.  Your attitude is just as important away from BoiC.G.H. as it is within group functions.

Becoming a part of the Boise City Ghost Hunters family is nothing to be taken lightly.  At the end of the day, we are left with an amazing group of people that are dedicated, excited, and willing to help our community.