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Awaken The Shadowman (2017) | Movie Recommendation | Saturday Night Scares | Community | BoiCGH

This movie is based on genuine reports of phenomena.

We all know that any film will succeed in the hands of a great director.

Sleek clean stills, cutting edge cinematography, all set in modern day America.

Directed by J. S. Wilson whose work is often enjoyed by fans of John Carpenter.

For the Sinatra fans out there, J. S. Wilson also wrote and directed a short nostalgic film called Watertown (2014) in honor of Frank Sinatra.

The story surrounds a mysterious shadow figure who takes a disturbing interest in one particular family, but specifically in their baby.

As the mother comforts her child, there he is, just standing, watching from the shadows, the Shadowman himself.

A cult, a mysterious town, a disappearance.

What do you do when you stumble upon a cult?

Do you fight them?

Or join them?

It doesn’t really matter because there is no escape.

And the shadowman whispers in the wind ‘I SEE YOU’.

Some great tension between two brothers at loggerheads as they search for their mother.

Great visuals and believable characters who have some lifesaving decisions to make.

A steady but effective burn amplified by a great music score.

A pretty great Saturday night movie guys.

Fantastic soundtrack compiled by Composer Douglas Pipes who also did the scores for Monster House (2006), Trick R Treat (2007) and the new Krampus (The Snow Beast) (2021).

Worth a couple hours of your time so get that popcorn ready.


Did you know that dark mass entities and shadow figures are often associated with episodes of sleep paralysis? Episodes of sleep paralysis are no joke and can deeply impact a persons life.

We have compiled an article on this topic which is linked right here

I have personally experienced sleep paralysis myself and I would like to discuss this topic in depth moving forwards. It is a great topic to discuss.

Is it phenomena? Is it stress induced? Let’s talk about it!

If any of our readers feel they have experienced sleep paralysis please drop me a comment I would love to hear from you.

Have a great weekend and as always…

Stay Spooky

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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