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Childhood Trauma Abuse Linked With Higher Incidents Of Paranormal Activity And Extrasensory Perception | Phenomena | Research | Community | Discussion | BoiCGH

Parapsychology - where phenomena and psychology collide.

ESP (Extrasensory Perception) PNP (Paranormal Phenomena) And Childhood Trauma.

There have been investigations performed on a possible association between extrasensory perception experiences, paranormal encounters and childhood trauma.

ESP (extrasensory perception) covers a whole array of phenomena from precognition, seeing items move, telepathy, and psychic ability.

Studies did confirm a significant link between childhood abuse victims and reported paranormal experiences, with 80% being female.

Child abuse victims are often comfortable in mentally disassociating themselves from their current environment making them more open to their surroundings.

Another reason was that those abuse victims often became trapped, as a child mentally, and children are far more susceptible to paranormal incidents as spirits are more likely to be attracted to that vulnerability and innocent nature.

Also recorded was a higher prevalence of reported incidents of possession.

Of course personal experience does not lead to scientific evidence, yet all cases were respectfully noted and studies did reveal a repetitive pattern between trauma and experiences.

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