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Paranormal Information and Resources

A source for information on common hauntings, suggestions, and more.
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Quotes | Science | Paranormal | Inspirational | Life | BoiCGH | Knowledge is PowerSome quotes we have rounded up through the years that give us a boost. We hope you find them equally encouraging.30 Topics · 32 PostsLast post: Consistency | Lincoln Chafee | Quo … · 2 years ago · BoiCGH-Michael
Paranormal Terms and Definitions | Words To Know | Research | KnowledgeSome key words and terms to understand in your research of the paranormal...8 Topics · 8 PostsLast post: Stand Alone | Paranormal Terms | E … · 3 years ago · BoiCGH-Michael
Health and the Paranormal | Reference | BoiCGHSome resources on topics we receive about health and the paranormal.4 Topics · 4 PostsLast post: Medical And The Paranormal | Under … · 3 years ago · BoiCGH-Michael
Submitted Photos and Videos | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research | Community | ParanormalPlease note – Boise City Ghost Hunters are not claiming these pics to be paranormal. They are simply photos and clips that we were asked to take a look at and give our professional opinion on.12 Topics · 12 PostsLast post: Mysterious Lights | What is it? | … · 2 years ago · BoiCGH-Michael

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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