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Warning Do Not Summon The Dybukk Entity | The Legend Of La Llorona | Mexico | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

Here at Boise City Ghost Hunters we never condone the use of Ouija boards.

La Llorona is allegedly a Mexican folklore which many dispute as being a very real entity which can be summoned any time, anywhere in the world.

The folklore…

A young man once fell in love with poor, but beautiful, local girl in a small Mexican town, La Llorona. They were happy for a while and had two beautiful children.

But sadly, one day, the man told the woman that he had fallen out of love with her but still loved their children.

Filled with rage, heartache and rejection La Llorona took both children by the hands and walked out into the night sea drowning them, and herself.

The story tells that La Llorona was refused access into heaven because she murdered her children. She was told to go and find her children if she wanted one last chance of entering heaven.

So La Llorona went amongst the living, selected two children and killed them also. Nobody knows why she killed them, it has been suggested that it was because she became confused that they were not HER children. But her children had already passed onto the spirit realm.

La Llorona approaches heaven one last time and, lying, tells that she found her children. She was denied entrance and is said to restlessly roam the earth today, filled with anger and remorse, just waiting to be summoned so that she can have life once more.

The reality…

This sounds like a Dybbuk to me (the malevolent soul of a dead person who attaches to living until it has completed a task).

Jewish mythology suggests a Dybbuk is a 'dislocated, malicious, possessing soul of the dead'.


Have you heard of La Llorona?

What do you know?

Dangerous dark folklore or genuine malevolent entity?

Many claim they have conjured La Llorona using Ouija boards and calling out her name ten times. They also state that their lives were severely and negatively affected afterwards.

What do you think? I know what I think. Folklore does not effect lives…..but evil does.

Drop a comment below and let’s get chatting about it.

Still want more?

Why not check out our La Llorona movie recommendation below

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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