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Let's talk about the paranormal.

What does the word 'paranormal' mean to you personally?

Interactive discussion is key, it is where the road reaches a higher ground.

The study of the paranormal is a fascinating path worthy of pursuit.

And that path is enlightened when communities reach out and interact.

We all know someone who has had a paranormal experience, it may be you yourself?

Yet it seems the topic of the paranormal only ever surfaces around those vacation camp fires, or when friends occasionally ask each other 'have you ever seen a ghost?' and set about sharing their spooky experiences.

Each and every paranormal encounter is fascinating, always intriguing.

Here i will share just a few of mine.

A family member shared that he witnessed ghosts at his home, three bodies eerily hanging with ropes around their necks, at the foot of the stairs and a ghostly horse and carriage galloping by. It affected him greatly but he later discovered the home used to be a working stables and yard during the 1800s.

My late grandmother told me she saw a full apparition sitting on the bed not long after her own mother had passed away, this spirit seemed to just sit very calmly and appeared to be holding a comb, brushing her hair ever so slowly. I would think this to be a residual haunting, yet it may have been intelligent. 

A girl who lives nearby who works at a local pub shared how one night she was being continually and violently pushed over by something invisible whilst locking the bar up. She saw the doors physically slam shut before her eyes, yet was the only person at the building. This is characteristic of an angry poltergeist.

I personally have been physically grabbed at whilst in a medieval Scottish castle and sometimes I see items physically move unaided across worktops.

A lady shopkeeper in Wales who i know claimed that two months after her sister passed away, she saw her sister walking along a beach they were at, moments later she disappeared as a mist.

I have even heard of folks who have been frightened of their own children, believing them being targeted by dark entities and asked could their child be possessed.

There are many who believe they have encountered angelic beings manifest, whilst others want to know who the shadow people are that linger in dark corners.

Or maybe you have no idea about the paranormal but would like to learn more?

Feel free to share your experiences in the comment section below.

What did you encounter?

How did you feel upon witnessing it?

What action, if any, did you take afterwards?

Did you seek investigational help or just share it with a close friend?

Also, some folks are truly frightened by such mysterious and seemingly foreign circumstances. By sharing your story you may be bringing comfort to someone else. 

Community is about support.

We are here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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