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The Ghost Rattle | Can Objects Be Haunted | Paranormal | Phenomena | Research | Community | Discussion | BoiCGH

Every atom that surrounds us is alive with energy.

Have you ever encountered what you consider to be a paranormal experience around an object within your home?

Maybe an item you purchased on a vacation, a family heirloom, or something left behind by a deceased loved one?

Because if you have I would love to hear your experience in the comment section below.

Exploration in the field of objects and possible energy attachment is a vast and complex topic matter.

Can an item or object retain memory energy fields within a physical material component?

Have you ever wondered why antiques can seem so creepy?

This is an open forum and discussion of this topic is, as always, welcomed.

Can spirits attach themselves in part, or fully, to objects? Even more urgent, can they pose any danger?

Dolls, ornaments, clothing even. Many who report unexplained experiences involving items and spirit attachment describe feeling anxious, cold, a sensation of being drawn to that object.

Others have claimed experiencing nightmares after handling such items, that their dreams are somehow infiltrated by an entity.

Items have been known to move unaided, or emanating a distinct odor which, after investigational testing, revealed a higher than average EMF (electromagnetic field).

A man from England claimed a porcelain doll he was gifted was possessed with the spirit of a nine year old girl who was hanged after being accused of witchcraft. The doll allegedly repeatedly voiced the words "not me".

People who have recently lost a loved one often claim that items which belonged to their deceased family member, maybe a pair of spectacles they had worn in life or a favorite pen they wrote with, spontaneously moved across a worktop unaided.

Can remnants of that persons energy still be left behind, somehow retained within that item?

One lady claimed that the car which belonged to her late mother started up, the engine shuddered, the car vibrated, even though that car had been unused and parked stationery for some weeks after her passing.

As far back as the Dickensian era, communities described this phenomena as 'the Ghost Rattle'.

Could specific objects have an energy attached to them which manifests as spontaneous movement?

Is that item then classed as 'haunted'?

I personally was given an artefact, a wooden voodoo type mask, a wall hanging. I felt uncomfortable around the item, the room felt completely altered and I began experiencing sinister nightmares.

I removed the mask from my house, instantly the atmosphere improved and the dreams ceased.

Of course, without any scientific based evidence, such circumstances cannot be classed as being paranormal in nature but it is certainly a topic of interest.

As it stands to date, unexplained phenomenon is exactly that, 'unexplained'.

It is vital that paranormal subjects are approached just as any other field of investigation, with critical thought, logic, experimental testing and in depth analysis.

A situation must only be deemed paranormal when all other possible avenues of investigation are exhausted with no logical or natural explanation.

That is not to say that people are not encountering genuine personal experiences to them.

As skeptic and scientific investigator and writer Benjamin Radford quoted "mystery is just unresolved facts, just because a jigsaw doesn't seem to fit doesn't mean it is broken you need to solve the gaps".

Parapsychologists have theorized that our belongings can record a sort of residual timeline recording of our life energy which can later manifest, just like a recording, channelled through that object.

Could this be the reason so many historical museums are allegedly haunted?

So it may not necessarily be the 'ghost' of person that is encountered, but rather the energy field left behind.

Psychics and mediums are often called to aid actual police investigations and handed items that belonged to homicide victims in the hopes that the trauma experienced by the deceased is detected by holding the item and a possible lead to crime scene location.

An old piano sounds its keys, a motionless doll with glassy eyes moves its arm, a childs ball rolls across the room, so could there be a link?

We are continually fascinated by paranormal research and the fascinating journey of experimental investigation and the wonder of discovery it holds.

Here at Boise City Ghost Hunters we welcome each and every enquiry and will respond with sensitivity to each and every case.

We are here for our community.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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