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Stalked by The Devil | The Jersey Pine Devil at Pine Barrens | New Jersey | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

"Let this child be the devils"... uttered his Mother. (Pine Devil Legend).

The Pine Barren forests are spread over a total of seven counties and cover an astounding one million acres. During the Colonial era these rich green lands were home to paper and saw mills, and outdoor industry thrived.

Moreover, once coal was discovered, the mills were abandoned, forests deserted, and folks moved on. However, it seems there may be some things which remained here.

These forests are said to be haunted by the many supernatural spirits of yesteryear. There have been hundreds of phenomena reported over the years including sightings of ghostly apparitions of the old mill workers still wandering here.

There is also a local legend which states that if you stay around the New Jersey sectors long enough you could encounter The Jersey Pine Devil himself. This entity has supposedly resided here since the early 1700s.

He is described as a demonic monster with a goats head, leathery wings and horses hooves. Many local farmers believe this entity responsible for the destruction of much livestock.

Generations of New Jersey children have grown up listening to tales of the Jersey Pine Devil and he is still genuinely feared today.

You can read more about the origins of this legend here

The 2012 horror movie The Barrens was inspired by the Jersey Pine Barrens Devil legend. The story follows a family who set off on a camping trip and later realise they may be being stalked by a sinister force, the Jersey Devil himself (my review is linked here below).

Could there be some truth behind this legend? 

Are you willing to find out? If you are brave enough to camp here please share any experiences below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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