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The Worlds Most Haunted Items And Cursed Relics | Worldwide | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

Let's take a look at some the worlds most haunted items and museum artefacts.

Believe us when we say, do not antagonise these cursed relics!

The Dybbuk Box

This unusual item was recently donated to paranormal personality Zak Baggins and is currently housed at his Haunted Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This old wooden wine box, with Jewish prayers engraved on is allegedly haunted by an evil spirit who causes all who gaze upon it to experience visions, become possessed, hear voices.

It is said that the entity confuses onlookers by diminishing wisdom and affecting sensory, in order to protect itself and hide its identity.

The Dark Mirror

Currently held at The Travelling Museum Of The Paranormal And Occult (mobile museum).

The owner of this haunted mirror purchased it at a psychic fayre and claimed that he began witnessing bizarre phenomena soon after.

Seeing their own reflections aged and old, terrible visions and unaccounted for figures roaming in the background.

Whatever a persons innermost fear is, the mirror will bring those fears to the very forefront of your life.

The Hope Diamond

The Hope diamond, known as ‘The French Blue’ is the worlds best known precious gem.

Since 1958 this beautiful blue jewel has been showcased at The Natural History Museum in France. The selected few who were lucky enough to own this diamond all died tragically.

One was torn to pieces by wild dogs, another taken down by the mob, another was in a fatal car accident, others were either murdered or committed suicide.

Observe at your own risk.

The Dead Mans ‘Busby Stoop’ Chair

This chair is currently held at The Thirsk Museum in the United Kingdom and is allegedly haunted by the spirit of murderer Thomas Busby.

Busby was a bully and a drunkard who beat his wife. He was executed in North Yorkshire, England, by way of hanging.

However, moments before he was taken to be executed, he sat in the chair and muttered the words ‘all who sit in this chair shall be cursed’.

Everyone who sat in this chair later died under unexpected and/or suspicious circumstances.

Soldiers who sat in the chair never returned from war.

The Great Bed Of Ware

A bed is somewhere we are meant to feel safe right?

But what if your bed was actually haunted? The Great Bed Of Ware is held at the Victoria Albert Museum in London.

The bed was made in 1590, to withstand as many as four couples, we will let you do the math.

This bed is believed haunted by a demon who will try to harm any persons engaging in sexual activity on the bed.

When sexual activity is detected, the entity puts a stop to it, and fast, by pinching and scratching at individuals on the bed and making loud bangings and guttural growlings.

Enough to stop folks in their tracks, he hopes.

The Catskills Crone

As the legend goes, a pair of hikers were trekking in the Catskill mountain range, in rural New York, when they discovered an old doll like effigy laying on the ground near a pond. This doll like figure had a noose tied around its neck and nails hammered into its eyes.

And yes you guessed it, they brought it home.

These mountains have been known for devil worship and satanic sacrifice. It is believed the effigy may have been used amidst those ceremonies.

Soon after, the hikers noticed a whole array of creepy and disturbing events within their homes from feelings of being watched, crying sounds in the night, unexplainable bangings and, perhaps the most disturbing phenomena, the nightmares of a woman drowning in a pond (which was exactly where they first discovered the item).

Today this artefact is held at The Travelling Museum Of The Paranormal And Occult which is the worlds only mobile museum showcasing haunted and supernaturally significant items from around the globe.

The Goddess Of Death Statue

Historians lost track of this statue for a long time.  Thankfully it was recovered and this prized ancient relic is now held at The Scottish Royal Museum in Scotland.

The statue is carved from pure limestone and was discovered in Cyprus in 1878 ,dates back to 35 BC, and is said to have brought about the mysterious deaths of all seven of its owners.

Robert The Doll and The Annabelle Doll

Innocent dolls? Don’t let them deceive you.

These cursed dolls are held at paranormal experts’ Ed and Lorraine Warrens Occult Museum.

The dolls are believed possessed by malicious and deceiving entities.

One visitors was mocking the dolls and he was killed on his motorbike travelling home the very same night.

Do you think that is a coincidence?

Please share any thoughts in the comment section below.

Please enjoy our linked articles right here, explaining all you need to know about the troublesome duo Robert and Annabelle.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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