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Audible Bone Chilling Screams at Bloomington University Campus | Bloomington Indiana | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

It seems the Hoosier State may be home to more than just corn and basketball. Indiana is renowned for its strange and creepy phenomena.

Bloomington University is one of Indianas most popular State colleges but are you aware of the campus' many 'haunted hotspots'? This establishment has been described as 'the campus crawling with ghosts'. There is certainly no shortage of phenomena reported from this building.

Undoubtedly the most disturbing phenomena experienced here is that of audible sounds emanating from the Career Development Centre (where it has been suggested illegal abortions once took place). Many passing this area have alarmingly claimed to hearing the very real and distressing sounds of babies crying out.

Also, faculty have reported tales of a ghost dog which has been spotted around the Indiana Memorial Union section. It has been suggested this dog was murdered near this building and residually haunts the memorial area today.

Another entity speculated to supernaturally reside here is that of a girl called Paula who jumped the staircase to her death. Her audible bone chilling screams have been frequently witnessed every 12th December, the very anniversary of her death.

Also the apparition of a girl wearing a yellow dress who was allegedly murdered by a possessive boyfriend has been seen multiple times throughout the campus.

Lastly, the spirit of a scaffold worker who fell to his death during construction of the building is said to actively haunt the IU auditorium. Many have claimed to witnessing a dark shadow figure crossing the stage. Could this be the very same scaffold worker who perished here?

Bizarrely the flooring has been replaced many times yet some say his blood stains are still unexplainably visible on the stage today.

If you are a fan of the paranormal and happen to be selecting University options, you know what to do. Just be careful in the auditorium.

If you are interested in further reading on Indiana hauntings please enjoy our linked related articles below

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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